
Courses for Colleagues


“Continuing education: Introduction to R [aimed at colleagues of the Department of Media and Communication].” (LMU Munich, 2SWS)


“Continuing education: Introduction to R, Part 1 [aimed at colleagues of the Department of Media and Communication].” (LMU Munich, 2SWS)

“Continuing education: Introduction to R, Part 2 [aimed at colleagues of the Department of Media and Communication].” (LMU Munich, 2SWS)

Graduate Level


“Practice in communication: Data journalism.” (LMU Munich, 2SWS) [Best Teaching Award of the Department of Media and Communication, LMU Munich]

“Theories, models, and methods of PR success monitoring.” (LMU Munich, 2SWS)

Undergraduate Level


“Balancing fun and risk: An analytical approach to categorizing viral TikTok challenges” (LMU Munich, 4SWS)


“Terrorism and the media: Navigating the fine line between the duty to inform and sensationalism.” (University of Bern, 2SWS)

“Automated procedures for the analysis of business communication strategies: Focus on the board game industry”.” (LMU Munich, 2SWS)


“Using conditional process analysis to evaluate communication theories.” (University of Zurich, 2SWS)

“Right-extremist lone wolves and Islamist terror groups? Media framing of right-extremist and Islamist attacks in Germany.” (LMU Munich, 4SWS)

“Digitalization: developments and challenges.” (LMU Munich, 2SWS)


“The influence of cross-cutting exposure on attitudes, feelings and behavior.” (University of Zurich, 2SWS)

“Introduction to statistics with R.” (Macromedia Private University, 2SWS)


“Practicing market and media research in times of social media and big data.” (LMU Munich, 2SWS)